278 X EXISTENCE THEOREMS We write the proof for continuously differentiable mappings, the modifica- tions in the other cases being obvious. We may suppose 0 = 0, & = 0, replacing /by the mapping x -*f(a -f x) — i. Let M be the kernel of the linear mapping /'(O), which is an (n -p)-dimen- sional subspace of E, and let N be a (p-dimensional) supplement of M in E ; we take as a basis of E a system (c^i^n ofn vectors such that c1? . . ,, cp forma n basis of N, cp+l9 . . . , cn a basis of M, and we write x = ^ /?. Let P be the image of E (and of N) by the linear mapping /'(O); it is a p-dimensional subspace of F, having the elements dt =/'(0) • ct (1 ^ / ^p) as a basis; we take a basis (dj)^^ of F, of which the preceding basis of P form the first p elements, and we write y = ]£ ^j(y)dj for anyy e F, the j = i i/^. being linear forms. We denote by y-*H(y) the linear mapping p y "-* Z ^j(y)ej °f F onto ^e subspace Kp of K" generated by the e,. of index We now consider the mapping x -+ ^(x) = H(f(xJ) 4- 0 be such that the ball |x£| < r (1 < / < n) is contained in ^(U0), and let U be the inverse image of that ball by g, which is an open neighborhood of 0; our mapping t/r will be the restriction to U of the mapping x -> - g(x). Up to now we have not used the assumption that the rank of f'(x) is constant in A; this implies that the image Px of E by/'(*) has dimension p for any x e A. Now we may suppose U0 has been taken small enough so that g'(x) is a linear bijection of E onto K" for x e U0 (8.3.2); as Pve have g'(x) • s = H(f'(x) - s) for s e N, the restriction of f'(x) to N must be a bijection of that ^-dimensional space onto fx , and the restriction of H to Px a bijection of Px onto Kp. Denote by Lx the bijection of Kp onto fx , inverse of the preceding mapping; we can thus write /'(*) = Lx ° H 9.17.3) to x — sf(x, y), considered as a function of x; this defines an analytic function